Even Doctors Were Crying: This Touching Photography Hides A Story That Will Never Forget (Photo)

Don (84) and Margaret (80) were married for 59 years, and they died together in August this year, holding their hands.
The staff in hospital turned their beds toward so they would to be able to hold their hands.
Margaret died on August 19, and Don later the same day.
Their daughter says that before the death he said to the children that he cannot wait to see his wife again in paradise.
Don was diagnosed with lung fibrosis, and Margaret suffered from cancer.
The photography on which they are holding hands is so touching, and when they died, nor doctors could hide the tears.
“We will never forget them. When we saw them, two people who spent a lifetime together, spending together their last moments we were speechless, it’s great, “said one of the doctors.
Even Doctors Were Crying: This Touching Photography Hides A Story That Will Never Forget (Photo)
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