Completely New Body: She Found A Cure For Arthritis And Decided To Share It With The Whole World!

Vegan Susie experienced severe pain in the elbows, shoulders and knees.

Friends often called her “weather forecast” because she could predict the rain with her swollen hands.
Only two months after she stopped consuming milk and other animal protein, the pain was gone.

Susie describes her healing as if someone had given her a completely new body.
She now proposes others with arthritis to consider the removal of dairy products and meat from their diet, and describes how the use of animal protein creates a dangerous level of acidity in the body.
Completely New Body: She Found A Cure For Arthritis And Decided To Share It With The Whole World! Completely New Body: She Found A Cure For Arthritis And Decided To Share It With The Whole World! Reviewed by Admin on 12:19:00 AM Rating: 5
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