Holding A Garlic Clove Between The Lips For 5 Minutes Can Do Something Absolutely Amazing!

These few natural remedies can help you with cold sore, and you`ve probably haven`t heard of most of them. They are very fast and effective, give them a try.

Garlic is very effective in curing cold sores, if consumed raw, but it can also be applied directly on the sore so that the body can absorb it`s healing powers faster.

Licorice root is incredible in fighting viral infections which are causing cold sores
It can treat cuts, but it`s also very useful in healing cold sores.

Milk on the sore
Soak a cotton ball in cold milk and apply it directly on the sore. Repeat this during the whole day until the sore is gone.

Apply ice on the cold sore to cool it down and reduce redness and swelling.
Sweet vanilla
Vanilla contains mild alcohol which can dry the cold sore, without causing irritation.

Peppermint oil
It has antiviral powers and sooths the skin. The smell is incredible, and a better option than garlic.

Tea tree oil
Although it`s usually used for acne, tea tree oil can cure cold sores as well. Apply a few drops on the sore without wiping it. Don1t worry if it stings a bit, it`s normal.
Holding A Garlic Clove Between The Lips For 5 Minutes Can Do Something Absolutely Amazing! Holding A Garlic Clove Between The Lips For 5 Minutes Can Do Something Absolutely Amazing! Reviewed by Admin on 1:46:00 PM Rating: 5
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