5 Doctors Dead Or Missing After Discovering This About Vaccines!

What happened to these 5 doctors that nobody knows where they are, are they dead or alive?
There have all been working on the connection between vaccines and cancer, and they have all come to conclusion that there is nagalese in some common vaccines and they all wanted to come public with the discovery. This new was eventually broken by Dr. Ted Broer and he got the broadcast to air because it was repeatedly brought down. He even confirmed that in case anything happens to him, the police should know that he is not suicidal in any way.
On June 19th, 2015, Dr Bradstreet was found dead. Cause of death: gunshot wound to the chest. And the police said it was a manifest of suicide although his family members say that he never had suicidal tendencies.
Few days later, Dr. Hold and Dr Hedendal, Florida, were found dead. The reason is unknown and the investigation stopped under suspicious circumstances.
Other medical researcher, Dr. Theresa Sievers, was murdered in her house on June 29 and the police suspects that it was planned murder.
In the meantime in Wisconsin, a doctor named Dr. Whiteside was reported missing. He went for a walk and stil hasn’t come back..
Dr Fitzpatrick, also went missing on July 3rd while he was on a trip to Montana. Stil no sign of him.
5 Doctors Dead Or Missing After Discovering This About Vaccines!
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1:55:00 PM