You Should Definitely Make This DIY Perfume: It’s a Real Magnet for Men!

Choosing the right perfume is a real headache for every woman. In this article we are going to show you how to make the best DIY perfume. This recipe is much more than a seductive scent. Besides the fact that this perfume will make you irresistible, this homemade perfume will nourish your skin and it will make it soft as well. And, to be honest, it’s a real magnet for men – they can’t resist it.
So, why this perfume is called – a magnet for men? Well, many studies have confirmed that the vanilla scent stimulates the sense of intimacy, and the almond milk makes the skin so soft that you simply want to touch it.

Here’s how to make this perfume at your home

¼ cup almond oil
½ tablespoon of vanilla extract
2 to 3 drops of clove oil
Small spray bottle

Put all the ingredients into the spray bottle, except the clove oil. Shake well and then you need to smell it. Note: if you can’t sense the vanilla scent, you should pour another ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract. And finally, you need to add the clove oil, but you should be extra careful. The smell of clove oil can overpower the vanilla scent. This is why you should add drop by drop. If you think it’s too much, you shouldn’t putt all 3 drops in your perfume. Shake it well and your homemade vanilla perfume is ready.

You should definitely try this homemade perfume – it will help you seduce the man of your dreams. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.

You Should Definitely Make This DIY Perfume: It’s a Real Magnet for Men! You Should Definitely Make This DIY Perfume: It’s a Real Magnet for Men! Reviewed by Admin on 10:25:00 AM Rating: 5
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