Everything is Written on Your Face: Your Facial Profile Tells What Kind of Person You Are!

Face shape and facial profile is what is first noticed when we meet a person. Physiognomy is a science which deals with human characteristics based on people’s physical appearances. The word originates from an ancient Greek word physis- nature and gnosis-knowledge, and was mentioned for the first time by Aristotle in his writings, and he believed that a person has characteristics of a specific animal to which he/she reminds with his/her look. Nowadays, this science is used in a lot of businesses due to searching for a specific type of people, for example in the police, in big corporations, and in other institutions. Everyone can find someone likable at first sight, without any specific reason, but physiognomy has an explanation for this. This is how the facial profile serves to physiognomists to discover and read characteristic lines of people.
The facial profile can be convex, vertical and concave:

Concave profile:

The lower jaw and the lower lip is forward, prominent forehead

Slow in action, thoughts and speech, but persistent and durable and interested in theory, meditative and absent mind, they like philosophizing about everything. They have mild, balanced energy, patient, loyal and reliable. These people are calm, good tempered, thinkers, but sometimes unpractical. They know how to control themselves and react calmly, but they can appear depressive and tired to others. Moreover, they are very loyal friends. Also, they are influential and good organizers. They have a great memory and remember almost everything, and although they are not vindictive, often times they can be vengeful persons.

Vertical profile:

Usually, these people have high hopes. They appear calm and discerning, but they may be very stubborn in their persistence. Defeat is a word that does not exist in their dictionaries since they never accept it. Moreover, they are highly curious, always searching for the true meaning and essence of things. Also, they are constantly rational, cold blooded, and very direct. Everything that they begin with, they bring to an end, even if they have to drastically give up on something. Therefore, they never stop in halfway, since this is not in harmony with their ambitious nature.
Convex profile:

The upper jaw and lip are forward, the chin is inward

These people are quick in both thinking and reacting; they are very practical, great observers, interested in facts, excellent in speaking. What’s more, they are highly energetic, impatient, impulsive, short durability, and also quick, capable, practical, and good workers. These people are enthusiasts, and approach everything with great enthusiasm and believe in success. In most of the time, they are individuals, sometimes even renegades. They love taking care about others and are full of love and support. Love to make new experiences and react quickly- they can bring the right decision in the spur of the moment. They are sharp minded, but impatience is a frequent obstacle in communication. Sometimes, they lack concentration and enjoy talking, but they are not careful listeners.

Everything is Written on Your Face: Your Facial Profile Tells What Kind of Person You Are! Everything is Written on Your Face: Your Facial Profile Tells What Kind of Person You Are! Reviewed by Admin on 1:11:00 PM Rating: 5
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