He Drank Ten Cans Of Coke A Day. This Is What He Looked Like After A Month!
Most people know how terrible soda is for the body, but this does not stop them from consuming their two to three cans a day. This is in addition to the the extra sugar one consumes on a daily basis.
This man decided to drink 10 cans of Coke a day for 30 days, and what happened was surprising.
Take a look at the video below!
The final results? He went from 168 to 192 pounds. That is a 23-pound weight gain. He also had a 65% increase in body fat, going from 9% total body fat to 16 % total body fat.
He Drank Ten Cans Of Coke A Day. This Is What He Looked Like After A Month!
Reviewed by Admin
11:24:00 PM