He Cracks Eggs Into An Old Ice Cube Tray, You Should See This Brilliant Kitchen Hack

It is known that freezing is a great way to extend shelf life and the food will last much longer if we keep it in a freezer. For example, milk can last up to two months in the freezer. Fresh Poultry (Chicken or turkey) can last up to one year in a freezer.

Some foods have to be prepared before we can put them in a freezer. Bagged shredded cheese can be easily stored in the freezer, but solid blocks need to be shredded first. Otherwise, it will crumble and become useless when it is thawed. Salted butter stays fresh in a freezer up to six months, but we have to keep it away from spices or foods with strong smells to prevent the flavors and smells from transferring.

Unless the regular yogurt, Greek yogurt does freeze well. It needs to be stirred after it is thawed. Alternately, it can be eaten while it is still frozen; no flavor or texture is lost. Another useful trick for Greek yogurt is to freeze it in an ice-cube tray. This way, it will be ready the next time you make smoothies.

Cream cheese can be frozen, but there will be changes in the texture, so only freeze it if it is going to be used in a dip or some other recipe. Eggs can be frozen in an ice cube tray and then transferred to a freezer bag for easy storage. These frozen eggs are great for baking.
Storing dairy products and eggs in the freezer is a great way to keep perishable items handy. You will never find yourself out of key baking ingredients if your freezer is always stocked with these basics.
He Cracks Eggs Into An Old Ice Cube Tray, You Should See This Brilliant Kitchen Hack He Cracks Eggs Into An Old Ice Cube Tray, You Should See This Brilliant Kitchen Hack Reviewed by Admin on 9:07:00 PM Rating: 5
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