You've Been Eating Chips Wrong Your Whole Life. Here's Why.

So you're trying to eat healthy, cut out the preservatives, chemicals and, horror of horrors, trans-saturated fats. But it all falls apart at snack time. I mean, you can only reach for baby carrots so many times before you want the real stuff. I'm talking about good, old-fashioned potato chips. 
Luckily, you don't have to kick your good intentions to the curb on this one. You can make your own potato chips and get the satisfying, salty crunch without all the nastiness found in the stuff you grab at the gas station. Better yet, all you need is a potato, a slicer and a microwave, making this trick easy, healthy and perfect for the office or the dorm.
You've Been Eating Chips Wrong Your Whole Life. Here's Why. You've Been Eating Chips Wrong Your Whole Life. Here's Why. Reviewed by Admin on 7:11:00 PM Rating: 5
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