Your Mattress Is Full With Toxic Substances. Use This Trick To Eliminate All The Toxins From Your Mattress

Most mattresses nowadays are made with various petroleum based chemicals, plastics, foams and disputable flame retardants. A popular mattress with memory foam was tested in a lab and had 61 Volatile Organic Compounds and four known carcinogens. 
It’s made from petroleum chemicals, beginning from the foam to viscosity agents and flame retardants.

Mattresses with memory foam contain Silicone Surfactant, Polyol, Tertiary Amine, Flame Retardant, Stannous Octoate, TDI, Dyes/Pigments. According to the Fact Sheet of Hazardous Substances, TDI sould be dealt with as CARCINOGEN SUBSTANCE –WITH EXTREME CAUTION! Studies have shown that these chemicals reach the surface of the mattresses and our bodies absorb them.

According the new regulations for flameproof mattress, all mattresses have to go through an open flame test. So, this requires cancer causing and acutely toxic chemicals to be on the surface of the mattresses. Therefore, every night we will absorb these chemicals.

Such chemicals damage and weaken the nervous, as well as immune system, cause damage to the soft tissues, autoimmune disorders, arthritis, organ damage etc.

Other harmful chemicals regularly used in mattresses include:

• Boric acid, a respiratory irritant that is used to kill cockroaches
• Formaldehyde, a cancer-causing substance
• Antimony, a metal that can be even more dangerous than mercury

How to Eliminate the Toxins from Your Mattress

If you have a mattress with memory foam or some other type of non organic mattress, you can use onions to eliminate toxins. Onions are able to pull the toxic chemicals from the air, they are also cheap.

Scientists used onions with numerous industrial wastes. They discovered that onions absorbed approximately 70% of the toxins — including cadmium, arsenic,lead and mercury — and they could be reused again.

It is a very simple trick: Cut a large onion in 3 pieces and put them under the bed near the center, feet and head of the bed. They will pull out the toxic chemicals from the mattress, preventing them from releasing in the air.
Your Mattress Is Full With Toxic Substances. Use This Trick To Eliminate All The Toxins From Your Mattress Your Mattress Is Full With Toxic Substances. Use This Trick To Eliminate All The Toxins From Your Mattress Reviewed by Admin on 11:25:00 PM Rating: 5
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