This Is Used By All Women, And It Doubles The Risk Of Ovarian Cancer

Although the vagina carries natural cleaning process by itself, 25% of women and despite warnings of gynecologists use the irrigator. And it doubles the risk of ovarian cancer.

And previous studies for flushing the vagina with the irrigator correlate with infections. But the latest US research on these risks has added ovarian tumor.

-And while gynecologists urge women to not evaporated vagina with irrigator, they see in it a health benefit, such as hygiene – said Joel Brown, an epidemiologist, and adds that it is necessary to refer to women that do not.

Ovarian tumor is a silent killer, and women usually before the detection of the disease have no symptoms, so often react too late.
Analysis of the journal “Epidemiology” followed more than 41,000 women in the United States and Puerto Rico in 2013. Respondents 35 to 74 years with the commencement of the study were healthy women, each of them had a sister who was diagnosed with cancer of the breast. By July 2014 with 154 participants were diagnosed with ovarian tumor.

It was determined that women who used irrigator for one year before the examination doubled the risk of ovarian cancer. A link between irrigation and the tumor was even stronger among women who had tumor cancer in family history.

Clarice Veinberg of the Environmental Health Research Institute in South Carolina says no previous study had discovered the connection of rinsing with ovarian cancer.
She says she can not specify any other reason for use of the irrigator, and there are many – against.

The vagina itself naturally cleanses and introduction of additional hygienic only ruins its natural balance and can cause an overgrowth of harmful bacteria to create an infection and settled bacteria into the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Regardless, the fourth of women of 15 to 44 years do it.

It contributes to a wide range of products for the hygiene of the vagina, including various gels that promise scent of tropical fruit or a cookie.

Women who are rinsing their vagina think that it is an obligatory part of regular care when they prepare for sex when shower after sex, and all that because they heard it from their mother or their friends. They do not know that it can be harmful.
This Is Used By All Women, And It Doubles The Risk Of Ovarian Cancer This Is Used By All Women, And It Doubles The Risk Of Ovarian Cancer Reviewed by Admin on 11:29:00 PM Rating: 5
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