I’m Never Buying Another Cough Medicine Again… I Wish I Knew This Before!

Whenever a bad and constant cough attacks you, surely you are trying to relieve it with the help of numerous commercial drugs. Not only that they will not provide the promised results, but they can have a damaging effect on your health and cause side-effects. They are full of dangerous chemicals which can put your health at high risk.

On the other hand, there is a completely natural and effective recipe which can be of great help. These cough drops consist of healthy herbs and ingredients that you probably already have at home.

Ingredients to prepare them:

Ginger- to boost the immunity
Cough suppressant- in this case, honey, due to its potent antibacterial properties
Vitamin C- lemon juice is loaded with this vitamin

a secret ingredient to make all ingredient come together.

The following video provides all the needed instruction on the preparation of these cough drops!
I’m Never Buying Another Cough Medicine Again… I Wish I Knew This Before! I’m Never Buying Another Cough Medicine Again… I Wish I Knew This Before! Reviewed by Admin on 11:38:00 PM Rating: 5
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