If You Have These Symptoms – You Have a Hormonal Imbalance. Here’s How To Restore The Balance Of Hormones

Hormones are chemical substances that are produced in the endocrine system. Each of specific hormones regulates a specific function in the body.
The overproduction of certain hormones causes change in the functions of some organs, and it means that hormonal imbalance in the body occurred.
Hormonal imbalances in women which is followed by specific symptoms generally occurs due to an imbalance of two key hormones: estrogen and progesterone which are also the most important hormones in the female body.

The reasons for this imbalance can be divided into two main groups:
Internal or physiological
Physiological factors

– It is about changes in the reproductive cycle. In a normal menstrual cycle, the first 10-12 days only estrogen is produced. Then ovulation ‘send’ information to the female body to produce progesterone hormones equilibrium, then there are no symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

Progesterone supports endometrial order to receive the fertilized ovum in the case of pregnancy. If fertilization occurs, the body ceases to produce two hormones and menstruation occurs.

But sometimes it happens not occur ovulation (typically premenopausal) and then estrogen produced in the month is not balanced by progesterone, which may only be produced during ovulation i.e. estrogen continues to be produced in the monthly cycle (one month period) and missed ovulation means that no manufactured progesterone.

External factors

External factors that affect hormonal imbalance in women may be other sources of estrogen, except those which are naturally produced in the body.

Today many women have hormonal imbalance (lack of progesterone), long before it reaches the period of menopause.
There are many reasons that contribute to this phenomenon:
Xenoestrogens found in cleaners, soaps, sprays, herbicides, cosmetics.
Passive lifestyle
Hereditary factors
Problems with the thyroid gland
Improper diet (increased consumption of too much fatty and salty foods, processed foods, foods high in sugar, caffeine and refined sugar)
Strict diets (low in fat)
A typical Western diet high in meat and dairy products (which mostly contain hormones)
Alcohol consumption
The use of contraceptive pills
Hormone therapy
Missed ovulation (periods without ovulation)
Pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals
Environmental toxins and environmental pollution


If you suspect you have a hormone imbalance, do this simple test:

I have PMS.
I have a monthly weight fluctuation.
I have swelling, bloating or water retention.
I feel heavy and overfed.
I have headaches.
I have mood swings.
I have painful, enlarged breasts.
I am depressed.
I feel unable to cope with everyday tasks.
I have back pain, joint or muscle pain.
I have premenstrual desire for food (especially the need for sugar or salt).
I have irregular cycles, heavy bleeding or very light bleeding.
I am infertile.
I use birth control pills or other hormones.
I have premenstrual migraines.
I have breast lumps or cysts or fibrocystic breasts.
I have a family history of breast cancer, ovarian, or cervical cancer.
I perimenopausal symptoms (hot flashes, mood swings, headaches, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, fluid retention, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, muscle and joint pain, low libido, weight gain ).
I have heat strokes.
I feel upset.
I have night sweats.
I have insomnia.
Often cold in hands and feet.
I lost my will for having sex.
I have dry skin, hair and / or vaginal dryness.
I have a heartbeat.
I have problems with memory or concentration.
I have bloating or weight gain on the belly.
I have facial

Collect the number of affirmatively answered questions and then check the result:
0 – 9 – There may be a mild hormone imbalance.
10 – 14 – There may be mild hormone imbalance.
15 or more – might have a serious hormonal imbalance. Visit your doctor.

Diagnosing hormone imbalances

In doubt of hormonal imbalance it is recommended to consult with an endocrinologist. Diagnosis is performed by means of hormonal tests in which examined thyroid hormone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol and others. All this is done by taking a blood or urine. Urine is taken when you need to determine the hormonal changes due to pregnancy or ovulation.

It must be noted that any self-medication without medical supervision and taking drugs by choice – it can lead to serious consequences.

When you determine a shortage of hormone the specialist prescribes therapy, in order to establish balance.

When hormonal imbalance caused by tumor, surgery is needed to remove it.

Besides standard therapy with medication, any woman who has been diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance, need to change the current lifestyle or to do something to improve their health.

It is recommended increased physical activity, regular rest and avoidance of psychological stress.

In the days before menstruation, women should be more active, to move more, drink more fluids, avoiding fat foods and foods rich in sugars.

Proper diet is all you need

Balancing hormones is a process in which you need to be persistent if you want to achieve happiness and prosperity.

Your diet will help the body to regain its harmony.

The first step involves removing the bad things: sugar, caffeine, alcohol, stress and lack of physical activity.

The imbalance in hormones is often caused by bad food. If you eat a lot of sugar, will produce more insulin, estrogen and more testosterone. Any type of flour and sugar can lead to these imbalances.

Dairy products and gluten are often triggers for inflammation and hormonal imbalances.

Xenobiotics or chemicals from the environment, such as pesticides in food can act as a powerful hormone violator of our own hormones.

Dairy products are one of the biggest causes of hormonal imbalance, because of all hormones found naturally in milk and those hormones and antibiotics added to the milk. In fact, in dairy products has more than 60 hormones that can contribute to the imbalance.

Once you remove those foods that harm your health, you should replace them with healthy and beneficial. Consumption of organic foods and filtered water can significantly improve your health.

It also recommended certain 10-day detox program that will prescribe doctor or nutritionist, specifically created according to your personal performance.
If You Have These Symptoms – You Have a Hormonal Imbalance. Here’s How To Restore The Balance Of Hormones If You Have These Symptoms – You Have a Hormonal Imbalance. Here’s How To Restore The Balance Of Hormones Reviewed by Admin on 9:50:00 PM Rating: 5
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