How to Apply Foundation So Your Skin Looks Flawless

Foundation is supposed to make our skin look better— so why does it so often leave it looking WORSE? Instead of hiding and smoothing our flaws, the makeup instead seems to highlight every raised pimple, enlarged pore, and bit of flaking skin. 
Packing more on doesn’t help, and even taking it all off and starting over leaves our faces red, irritated, and in worse shape than ever. Other than giving up entirely, what’s an at-home makeup maven to do? Follow these tips from Stephanie Lange! She’s showing us today the correct way to apply foundation to rebellious skin so that it leaves it looking flawless, not worse for the wear. Watch and learn.
How to Apply Foundation So Your Skin Looks Flawless How to Apply Foundation So Your Skin Looks Flawless Reviewed by Admin on 2:51:00 PM Rating: 5
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