Have You ever Tried Red Bananas? Are they Good for You?

Have you ever tried red bananas? They are shorter are plumper than the average banana.

It should only be eaten when ripe. When ripe, it will have a thick, brick red peel and ivory-hued semi soft flesh. Its flavor is sweet and creamy with raspberry highlights.

This is, in my opinion, the most delicious of the alternative banana varieties. The red banana has more beta carotene and Vitamin C than yellow banana varieties.

In fact it’s been found that red bananas are nutritionally superior to their yellow cousins.

Traditionally people with low immunity are advised to have red banana for a period of 40 to 48 days daily.
What are the benefits of red bananas?
1. Source of Fiber

One red banana contains 4 grams of fiber, which meets 16% of the daily prerequisite of fiber. Eating red banana can control your weight and reduce the chances of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

2. Improves vision

Red banana also help adults who have eye sight troubles, ophthalmology have proven that if an adult eats at least 3 red bananas daily, they will have a 36% risk deduction of vision lost.
3. Red bananas may help lower blood pressure levels

They are a good source of potassium. The American Heart Association recommends you include more potassium-rich foods in your diet because it may help lower blood pressure levels.

However, high-potassium foods, are not safe for everyone. If you have a history of kidney disease, you may need to limit your intake. Talk to your doctor about your daily potassium needs before increasing your intake.
4. Red bananas are good for your blood

It’s been found that this fruit can help improve your hemoglobin count and improve the quality of your blood thanks to the various vitamins and anti-oxidants present in this fruit.

People suffering from anemia will benefit by eating a couple of red bananas on daily basis.
5. Weight Loss

Since red bananas are rich in fiber, it keeps one fuller for longer. Eating 1 medium red banana has only around 100 calories but most will feel fuller with just 1 red banana.

Including red bananas in your diet can help fill you up without costing you too many calories, making it easier to stay within your daily calorie budget for weight maintenance.
Have You ever Tried Red Bananas? Are they Good for You? Have You ever Tried Red Bananas? Are they Good for You? Reviewed by Admin on 6:30:00 PM Rating: 5
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