7 Signs Hillary Clinton Has Serious Health Issues

1. Coughing Fits

Hillary has suffered from multiple public instances of coughing fits during the presidential campaign. From the Daily Mail :

“Clinton had to dig out a lozenge at last year’s Benghazi hearings,” and “also suffered a coughing fit in Iowa back in January, something she attributed to speaking a lot on her campaign tour.” Although we all cough from time to time, the frequency and severity of the attacks led many to speculate what might be causing them:

Ear, nose, and throat specialist Dr. Jonathan Aviv told Daily Edition “It’s not just cough. There’s some hoarseness, there’s some throat clearing, in fact there’s frequent throat clearing. When you have these trio of symptoms, you have to think of what I call throat burn reflux, which is acid reflux affecting the throat.”

2. Fainting Episodes

In late 2012, Secretary Clinton “sustained a concussion after fainting,” The Associated Press reported. This happened only a few days before she was due to testify about the terrible September 11 attacks at the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi. The testimony was supposed to be before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, but due to her health issues, other officials from the department had to attend in her place.

The concussion caused by the fainting episodes are thought to have lead to other health problems, such as :

3. Blood CLots On Brain

Secretary Clinton was hospitalized in December 2012 after doctors discovered a blood clot during a follow-up exam related to her concussion.

“Mrs. Clinton’s blood clot formed in a large vein along the side of her head, behind her right ear, between the brain and the skull,” The New York Times reported, noting that Clinton also had a blood clot in her leg in 1998. She began taking blood thinners around the time of her hospital discharge. The concussion and subsequently discovered blood clot forced Clinton to ultimately take a month-long absence from her role as secretary of state.

4. Double Vision

As she testified about the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, the secretary of state appeared to have tiny vertical lines etched onto the left lens of her new brown specs,” the New York Daily News wrote in January 2013. “Clinton’s spokesman confirmed Thursday night she is wearing the special glasses as a result of the fall and concussion she suffered last month, but he did not elaborate.

Experts told the Daily News that Clinton likely has a Fresnel prism placed on her glasses. The adhesive panel is used to treat double vision.” Fresnel prisms can be ground into a lens for longer term use, and the prism is not visible when built into the lens itself.

5. Blood Problems

In August 2015, The Associated Press reported that Clinton was still taking Coumadin, a blood thinner used to prevent blood clots. “Her Coumadin dose is monitored regularly and she has experienced no side-effects from her medications,” wrote Dr. Lisa Bardack, an internist who practices near Clinton’s suburban New York home. Previously, in a 2014 interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, Clinton said she was “probably” on blood thinners for life.

6. Brain Damage?

In May 2014, The Washington Post reported that Republican strategist Karl Rove “distanced himself from a provocative report in Monday’s New York Post, saying he does not believe — as the newspaper asserted he had said — that Clinton suffered ‘brain damage’ when she fell and sustained a head injury in December 2012.” Rove had been commenting on Clinton’s prism glasses.

7. Health Record Disclosures?

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders’ campaign is fundraising off a report that an ally of rival Hillary Clinton plans to demand Sanders release his medical records,” The Hill reported in January. John Podesta, chairman of Clinton’s campaign, tried to downplay the incident in an effort to draw attention away from Clinton’s health. “We’re fighting on who would make a better president, not on who has a better Physical Fitness Test,” he tweeted.
7 Signs Hillary Clinton Has Serious Health Issues 7 Signs Hillary Clinton Has Serious Health Issues Reviewed by Admin on 12:00:00 AM Rating: 5
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