7 Nasty And Completely Normal Things That Are Constantly Happening In Your Body

Our bodies spend most of their time keeping us healthy, but they do it in a completely crazy ways. In fact, our body is the center piece in place a variety of terrible things, from welding gases over the stones to the tonsils. Fortunately, at first glance, ugly processes are actually completely normal.

We present you the list of “crazy” things that occur in the human body:
1. A thick sticky mucus collects inside the nose

While mucus is usually associated with sneezing, sniffling and poor appearance, its production is quite a normal thing. The body produces mucus (about a liter a day) in order to catch infectious bacteria that try to enter the body. So go ahead, look at the handkerchief in you just cleaned the nose and personally thank.
2. Food cruising of 7 meters long “highway through the hose”

After you eat breakfast, food travels to your stomach, where stomach acid breaks it down. However, the path of digestion does not end there. From there then travels nearly 7 meters long bowels before reaching your “ceramic throne” in the toilet.
3. Dust mites make love on your lashes

According to the “National Geographic” there are two types of mites that build their colonies on your face. Here live full life, good eating, crawling and making love. Their love polygon is the most of your hair follicles.

4. Extinct cells are mixed with dirt in the depths of your throat

Your tonsils, if you still have them, are full of small holes. Despite the best efforts of the tonsils, these openings are often filled with bacteria, saliva and dead cells. Most people have quite tolerable amount of this “waste” in the tonsils. In much smaller percentage may cause the development of stones in the tonsils, which are wider, heavier tanks to that “waste”.
5. Combustible gases are accumulating inside your body

All release gases. But have you ever wondered what are they consist of? The majority of intestinal gas consists of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen (which is flammable) and, in some cases, of methane (which is also combustible).
6. Hundreds gland secretes a warm liquid into your mouth

There are three pairs of large salivary glands in your mouth: parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands. Plus, in addition to them, there are hundreds of minor salivary glands. All together they produce a liter and two liters of saliva a day than your body uses to dissolve portions of food and begin the digestive process.
7. Your mouth will be opened by itself at some point

It can happen literally at any moment! Of course, it is about yawning and it is quite a natural thing.
7 Nasty And Completely Normal Things That Are Constantly Happening In Your Body 7 Nasty And Completely Normal Things That Are Constantly Happening In Your Body Reviewed by Admin on 11:38:00 PM Rating: 5
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