This Woman Stopped Using Deodorant For A Week And Results Will Astonish You!

Deodorants have become such an important part of our lives. Since human body is a host to billions of bacteria, which mix with the sweat secreted by our glands and give out an odor which becomes unbearable.

Hence deodorants save us from being embarrassed in public thanks to the odor that is given out by our body. But excessive and prolonged use of these deodorants may also cause some serious health issues, if the person is not cautious. The thing is that, deodorants consists aluminium, which clogs the pores on the body from which we sweat and continuous use of deodorant means build-up of this aluminium.

Hence a woman named Meg Zulch tried out a challenge to go without using any sort of deodorant for 7 days in a row. Though the challenge is tough with all the sweaty armpits and body odor at the end of the day, here is her experience day wise.

Day 1

The first day went pretty well for Meg. She was so self-conscious about the smell coming from her armpits that she was apologizing to people without them even pointing it out to her. For most of the time, people didn’t notice as it was not that bad.

The first day was kind of easy for her, since her armpits weren’t smelling that bad or she wasn’t sweating that much.
Day 2

The second day brought the actual results of going without a deodorant for her. Her body odor and armpit smell was so overpowering that people began to take notice. She tried lifting her hands in order to let air dry out some of the sweat and take away the odor, but it wasn’t helping.

But she noticed one thing, her pores in the armpits didn’t feel clogged at all. They actually felt fresher.

Day 3

Third day came with a question. She started to question what was wrong with her body odor which wasn’t emitting a pungent smell that overpowers a person. She actually felt sexy and confident despite knowing that her armpits were sweaty and releasing body odor.

Day 4

Day 4 was a surprise to her as she didn’t find the body odor to be that pungent or noticeable. She also walked around the town and found that she didn’t sweat as much as she did when she wore a deodorant and that was a surprise for her.

It was maybe because the smell from her armpits had become subtle and/or she had got used to the smell by now.

Day 5

Day 5 started without any armpit smell and Meg was quite happy to begin her day to day activities. But the moment she stepped out in the heat and walked around the town for a while, she realized that her armpits became extremely damp due to sweat and started to smell.

The smell became even more strong in the confines of the car and her mother had to tell her about the smell coming from her body and her armpits.
Day 6

Day 6 was when Meg almost used a deodorant on her armpits. She was hugely disappointed by what her mother told her the previous day about the sweat and smell coming from her body and armpits. She also felt discouraged to continue with the challenge, with just a day to go, for it to be completed.

Her mom stopped her from using the deodorant and told her about essential oils and suggested her to use those in place of the deodorants in order to mask the smell from her armpits due to sweat. She immediately bought an essential oil that smelled like ocean and applied on her armpits and found that they didn’t smell such bad now.

Day 7

She experienced that the smell of the oils was still there even after a day of applying them and her armpit pores felt as fresh as new skin. She decided that she will never use deodorant again and instead switch to essential oils.

Essential oils are organic and natural and do not contain any chemicals and do not cause any sort of harm to the body even when used in excess or continuously for a long time.

What can we say at the end?

The conclusion that we can get from Meg’s 7 day no deodorant challenge is that you exclusively don’t need to depend on deodorants to get rid of your body odor.

Though the idea of going with no deodorant at all is advisable to people who sweat in moderation or less. But people who sweat more, need to look at alternatives like crystal deodorants, a natural form of deodorants or essential oils which do not have any chemicals to harm you in the long run and keep your body free from the foul smell it emanates.
This Woman Stopped Using Deodorant For A Week And Results Will Astonish You! This Woman Stopped Using Deodorant For A Week And Results Will Astonish You! Reviewed by Admin on 1:53:00 AM Rating: 5
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