The Benefit Of Baking Powder For Flowers And Other Plants In The Garden

Many problems in the garden you can solve in a simple way – using baking powder!

Mix four teaspoons of baking powder with about four liters of water and you will get the domestic product for killing fungi on your plants. Certainly there are fewer chemicals than the purchased.

Cabbage worms
Mix the same amount of baking powder and flour and sprinkle with a mixture of plants, such as cabbage, broccoli. The worms will die.
For flowers
For flowers which grow in alkaline soil, such as begonias and hydrangea, make the following mix. Put a teaspoon of baking soda in water and use this liquid to water the flowers. This mixture will help these beautiful plants to grow and flourish better.

If you have problems with snails that eat and destroy your plants, there is a quick solution. Take some baking powder and sprinkle over the snails, they will soon die. Just make sure not to damage the leaves of plants.
If your compost is stinky, then baking powder will help. Add a bag or two into compost and after a short time, the stench will slowly disappear.

For pots
Before you put soil into the pots, brush the inside with a thin layer of baking powder. This will contribute to your plants stay fresh longer in the pot.

Simply sprinkle this powder on the anthill. After half an hour pour a little vinegar and ants will die.
The Benefit Of Baking Powder For Flowers And Other Plants In The Garden The Benefit Of Baking Powder For Flowers And Other Plants In The Garden Reviewed by Admin on 1:36:00 AM Rating: 5
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