How To Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles Naturally (No Botox Necessary!)

If you noticed on your face new wrinkles and traces of fatigue, make an excellent anti-wrinkle mask at home.

Its effect is almost equal as the effect you get after a botox treatment.

To prepare this mask you need a tablespoon of cornstarch, some fresh carrot juice (about 5 tablespoons) and a tablespoon of sour cream.
First, mix a tablespoon of cornstarch and some water (about 1/2 glass). Boil 400 ml / 14 oz of water and let it cool for a while, but not completely. Add the cornstarch and cook on a low heat until the mixture gets thicker.

At the end, after it cools, add some fresh carrot juice and the sour cream. Stir well and apply the mask on a clean face. Leave it for 25-30 minutes.
Rinse well with warm water and apply your favorite face cream. Keep the rest of the mask in the fridge.

The best results are obtained by repeating this procedure for three days in a row. It removes both tiredness and wrinkles from your face and your skin is more firm, elastic and soft.

This homemade mask hydrates the skin on your face and provides almost the same effect as botox.
How To Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles Naturally (No Botox Necessary!) How To Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles Naturally (No Botox Necessary!) Reviewed by Admin on 4:55:00 PM Rating: 5
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