Her Son Died In 2013.3 Years Later, A Little Girl Tells Her To Press ,Play, On A Stuffed Bear

One of those recipients whose life was saved by Lucas was a four-year-old girl named Jordan who spent years living inside the hospital with a congenital heart defect. In the emotionally charged meeting below, Heather meets Jordan and her family. Using a stethoscope against Jordan’s chest, Heather is able to hear Lucas’ heart beating again. Jordan also gifted Clark a Build-a-Bear containing a recording of Lukas’ heart.
According to Donate Life, more than 8,500 deceased donors made possible approximately 24,000 organ transplants in 2014. And sadly, an average of 21 people die each day because the organs they need are not donated in time.
This emotionally charged moment is simply unforgettable. Watch the story behind these two families, and SHARE this incredible moment with your friends:
Her Son Died In 2013.3 Years Later, A Little Girl Tells Her To Press ,Play, On A Stuffed Bear
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1:17:00 AM