Urinary Incontinence: Home Remedies to Take Control of Your Bladder Read

Urinary incontinence simply refers to the inability to manage and control urination, which leads to involuntary loss of urine, as well as urine leakage.

This urological problem afflicts many people. In fact, over 25 million people are struggling with urinary incontinence in the United states, according to the NAFS (National Association for Continence).

This condition can be classified into three groups, namely:

1.Urge incontinence occurs as a result of a hyperactive and/or overactive bladder, which results in sudden and  intense urge for urination, which ends up in spontaneous loss of urine.

2.Incontinence related to stress occurs when particular physical activities such as sneezing, jumping, coughing, strenuous workout, or even laughing, brings tension to the bladder and one spontaneously releases urine.

3.Overflow incontinence affects those who can’t empty their bladders completely, leading to regular or frequent release of little amounts of urine.

Scientists point out that incontinence is caused by many different factors, including the aging process, weaker pelvic floor muscles occasioned by childbirth or some kind of surgery, enlarged prostate, menopause, overactive bladder, nerve damage, UTI, urinary stones, as well as constipation.

Some foods, beverages, and pharmaceutical drugs may also activate the bladder, leading to short-term incontinence.

Besides being embarrassing and uncomfortable, this health condition can also inflict pain if the urine remains in the bladder, since it can result in the creation of an environment favorable for bacteria. While incontinence isn’t some kind of disease, it is normally a manifestation of some health issue or disorder.

In order to effectively solve this problem, it’s important to find its exact cause. You can choose to consult you doctor and follow their recommended treatment, or decide to go the natural way. There are several natural home remedies that can help stop or manage incontinence.

However, it’s advisable to undergo a medical examination before using these remedies. This is to ensure that the problem is not related to some more grave problem like cancer.

Here a list of the 10 best remedies to deal with urinary incontinence:

1. Kegel (Pelvic Floor) Exercises

Kegel exercises are effective when it comes to relieving stress and the so-called urge incontinence.

Contract the muscles in your pelvic floor before keeping them tight for eight seconds or as much as you can.

Afterward, relax the  muscles for eight seconds.

Do ten repetitions, three times every day.

Here’s how  to identify these muscles:

When you’re urinating, stop for a while before continuing. The muscles you feel when doing this are the pelvic floor muscles.

Remember that when you’re performing these exercises, the muscles in your buttocks, abdomen, and thighs must be relaxed. While at it, try to exhale and inhale normally. Make sure you empty the bladder before you embark on these exercises.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is essential for proper relaxation of muscles all over the body. Hence, it can help lower muscle spasms in the bladder, and thereby promote proper emptying of this organ. Here’s what you should do:

Use 350 mg of magnesium hydroxide supplements, twice a day for not less than 3 weeks. You should consult your doctor before using this treatment.

Include lots of magnesium-rich foods in your diet, like nuts, seeds, bananas, and yogurt.

Soak your body in Epsom salt bath for roughly 20 minutes, three times a week. You should use two cups of Epsom salt. This will help your body use the magnesium in Epsom salt, since it penetrates the skin.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D preserves the strength of muscles, hence effective in the controlling urinary incontinence:

Spend at least ten minutes out in the sun daily to promote your body’s effort to generate vitamin D.

Increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin D, including egg yolks, fish, oysters, milk and other dairy products.

Discuss with  your doctor about having vitamin D supplements.

4. Yoga

Yoga will help tighten your muscles. In fact, experts claim that  yoga delivers similar effects as Kegel exercises. Moreover, yoga has proven to be great for relaxation and de-stressing, meaning  that depression and anxiety associated with urinary incontinence will be alleviated too.

These poses are excellent for dealing with incontinence:

Squat Pose or Malasana

Chair Pose or Utkatasana

Triangle Pose or Trikonasana

Root Lock or Mula bandha

5. Gosha-Jinki-Gan

Gosha-jinki-gan,  is a herbal remedy used in Chinese medicine for centuries. It was largely used in the treatment of  urinary incontinence and overactive bladder. Two scientific studies done in Japan have affirmed that this particular herbal remedy has the potential to improve urinary urgency, frequency, and nighttime urination in individuals with overactive bladder.

However, you must consult your doctor before using this supplement.

6. Buchu

Buchu or agathosma betulina is a powerful  urinary tract solution to promote urinary system health. It is particularly beneficial  for incontinence trigger by a bladder infection, thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,  and diuretic properties. It also  has the ability to fortify  the tissues linked to urination and relieve systemic irritation.

Steep a teaspoon of buchi in a cupful  of  hot water for ten minutes.
Strain the mixture and consume the herbal tea during the day until you notice improvement.

Avoid buchu if you’re  experiencing pain and/or swelling in the  urinary tract. Consult a doctor before using this remedy.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar  fights against obesity and weight loss, both of which trigger and intensify urinary incontinence. This is because the fat stored around the hips and the abdomen exerts more pressure on the bladder.

Add 1-2 tablespoons of unprocessed ACV  to a glass of water. Add some organic honey.

Consume this solution three times daily until you notice positive results.
Avoid using ACV in case you experience  irritation in your bladder or you’re dealing with overactive bladder.

8. Cleavers

An ancient remedy for urinary issues, cleavers protect you from bladder irritation, as they form a  soothing coating around the bladder.

Add three teaspoons of cleavers to a cup of hot water. Steep for 15 minutes.

Strain the solution and drink it three times every day until you get better.
9. Meditation

A study undertaken 7 years ago at the Loyola University revealed that meditation can lead to better bladder control, and hence lower incontinence. You are advised to do some visualization and relaxation exercises for 2-3 weeks to improve your condition.

10. Acupuncture

Acupuncture can can help  strengthen the urinary system and augment the function of the kidneys. It can boost your ability to keep urine and minimize urine urge episodes. Furthermore, scientific study has confirmed the effectiveness of acupuncture in healing incontinence.

You should always rely on a professional’s help so that you can get the most from acupuncture treatment. Here are the best acupuncture points to treat urinary incontinence: e St 36, BL 31,BL 28, BL 39,LI 11,  BL 23, CV 4, CV 3, CV 6, GV 4, KI 3, and BL 32.
Urinary Incontinence: Home Remedies to Take Control of Your Bladder Read Urinary Incontinence: Home Remedies to Take Control of Your Bladder Read Reviewed by Health Tips on 11:57:00 AM Rating: 5
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