Perform This Simple Massage Every Night And Your Belly Fat Will Disappear!

Belly fat affects both men and women and it is occasioned by a bulge around the waistline of a person.

This bulge can be a source of embarrassment and may even be a sign of a very serious problem.

Why Do Belly Fats Accumulate?
– Excessive consumption of refined and processed food.
– Poor sleeping habits.
– Stress
– Age
– Excessive alcohol drinking

You need to know why you have belly fat to be able to solve the problem.

The Work Of Stored Fat
– It shields the body from harmful toxins.
– Stored fat helps to protect your internal organs.
– It provides a ready source of energy when the body lacks nourishment.

When you exercise you are able to convert the stored up fat to energy and in the process you will burn your belly fats. But if your diet is unhealthy and you have a toxic overload then burning the fat will be slow at best.
The Massage Therapy

A two minute massage therapy can help to detoxify your body and in the process burn of belly fat, this is according to Dr. Stephen Chang, a Western and Chinese medicine practitioner.

This Chinese massaging technique will combine various exercises with the aim of boosting your digestive system in order to help your body expel waste better.

The Benefits Of Chinese Massage
– It helps fight constipation
– It will melt adipose tissue
– It will help to boost digestive efficiency
– It will improve circulation in your abdominal region
– It will help to curb digestive conditions like indigestion, nausea and vomiting
– It will stimulate all the organs in the abdominal region to function effectively
– It will detoxify the intestina tract

You should try this massage therapy twice daily for maximum results. Once in the morning and before bedtime.
Here is how to carry out the massage.
– On a firm surface lie flat on your back.
– Get your hands hot by rubbing them together.
– Put a hand on your navel.
– Start rubbing your navel region with circular movements.
– Be widening the concentric circle movement around your navel with a firm pressure.
– Each circle should be done in 1 to 2 seconds.
– As you rub concentrate on the heat buildup in your abdominal area.
– In two minutes achieve about 40 to 50 circular movements and ensure that your abdomen is warm throughout the exercise.
Perform This Simple Massage Every Night And Your Belly Fat Will Disappear! Perform This Simple Massage Every Night And Your Belly Fat Will Disappear! Reviewed by Admin on 6:15:00 PM Rating: 5
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