Here’s What Happens if You Massage This Point On The Ear

A medical science doctor and psychiatrist, Mark Sandomirsky, devised a simple stress-relieving technique, which he shares with his patients through a TV show about healthy living.

Stress is caused by a wide variety of factors and we experience it in different ways.

The aftermath of stress is usually characterized by pain in certain areas of the body, as well as an uncomfortable feeling of heaviness

To begin with, you need to eliminate all negative emotions, before getting rid of the physical effects.

Psycho-reflexology is very effective, given the fact that our body has natural anti-stress points, known as “The Gate of Heaven” or Shen Men in the ancient Chinese culture.

Treating this area delivers celestial energy to your entire body.

This is a deep, magical point that augments your overall health, alleviates stress, and boosts energy.

Moreover, this acupressure point suppresses addiction and inflammation.

Massaging it relieves pain in  all parts of your body.

The Gate of Heaven or Shen Men is found in the center of the upper third section of your year.

Dr Sandomirsky advises:

Press this point with a cotton bud and gently massage while breathing deeply.

Carefully, listen to your body.

Continue breathing deeply.

When inhaling,  look to the left, and to the right when breathing out.

You’ll feel how your body relaxes.

Extra tips:

Use your fingers to massage this point.

Massage it properly every time you’re stressed.

Consider repeating this procedure every night before bedtime.
Here’s What Happens if You Massage This Point On The Ear Here’s What Happens if You Massage This Point On The Ear Reviewed by Health Tips on 2:12:00 PM Rating: 5
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