Forget About Lemon Water! These 3 Drinks Can Do Wonders If You Want To Lose Weight!

Nowadays, lemon water is one of the most popular ways to start off the day for a lot of people, but it seems that people have relied too much on this method, without paying attention to certain side effects.
Namely, although lemon juice provides us with a solid amount of antioxidants and vitamin C, warm water will not help you lose weight. Additionally, there is little evidence that water lemon improves digestion and cleanses the body from toxins- regardless of the fact that celebrities praise this mixture. Furthermore, warm water with lemon has unpleasant side effects if you exaggerate with its consumption. Hence, big amounts of warm water and lemon can lead to heartburn, for this fruit is among the sourest ones, and it can cause tooth enamel damage. If we do not rinse our mouth with water, the acid can remain on our teeth and cause even more damage. The recommended dosage is one to two cups of this mixture. You probably know that there are no magical drinks that can help you lose weight overnight, but there are certain options, that can, if they are accompanied by healthy way of life, help you reach your goal. These are some drinks that you could include in your diet, if you want to look slimmer.
Coffee is a natural energetic drink, and, according to research, two to three cups of coffee before exercising can help you train longer and more energetic, thus, your body burns calories faster. A study, published in the Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Health, showed that sportists were able to do 20% more repetitions during training. However, it is important to mention that coffee must be consumed without sugar and milk because they destroy the positive effects of coffee.
Cold water
Replace lemon water with few ice cubes because cold drinks make the body spend less energy in order to maintain its weight. Hence, with consumption of three big glasses of cold water during the day, your body will burn 100 calories more. If you do this every day, during an entire year, you can lose up to 4,5 kilograms, under the condition that you do not add up for these calories through intake of other foods.
Green tea
Besides being calorie-free, it also helps us burn fat and lose surplus weight. In a study, people who drank four cups of green tea per day lost almost 3 kilograms more than those who drank only water, in a period of two months. The analysis by the European Nutritive Journal showed that people, who drink green tea, in average, weigh less and have a slimmer waist. Always choose fresh tea and avoid bottled options, since they can contain a lot of sugar and fewer antioxidants. Also, avoid green tea supplements, since they can lead to liver damage.
Forget About Lemon Water! These 3 Drinks Can Do Wonders If You Want To Lose Weight!
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1:31:00 AM