Avoid These 6 Mistakes That Are Making Your Baby Fat

We all adore chubby babies, they are soo sweet and hugable. There are so many pictures over the internet of these adorable chubby babies, but there is a thing as too chubby for certain babies. If you are a parent, you need to make sure your baby does not wander from chubby to obese, since there are a few triggers that may lead to obesity later in life.
Allow your kid to watch TV
One of the easiest ways in which you can make bad nutritional habits to your kid is to allow him/her to watch TV. It might seem to you as a harmless activity, but the baby is absorbing everything, especially at a young age. According to numerous studies, children who watch TV a lot, have to deal with weight problems from early stages to later life.
Introduce solid foods before the 4-month mark
Your baby’s stomach needs certain period of time to develop and its system is not sophisticated enoguh for the soild foods you are trying to give before the recomended time. Until its four-month-old, breast milk and nutrients in formula are the best nutrition for your baby. The liquid diet will help you to keep the baby healthy.
Use meals to stop the baby’s crying
Not everytime when a baby cries, it means that it is hungry. Parents make this mistake of giving the baby food every time it starts crying, eventhough the crying can be sending some other signals. Before giving your baby a bottle of milk, check out if the baby needs changing, or some other sings of displeasure.
Encourage your kid to keep eating when full
One of the leading causes of children’s obesity is overeating. Once you become a parent, pay attention to your baby’s eating habits early. Attend to how much milk your baby takes during every feeding. Keep the feedings on schedule so your kid knows when to expect meal, and once the baby expresses the first signs of a full stomach, do not force it to continue eating.
Refusing to encourage exercise
Eventhough your baby doesn’t need exercise, you should still encourage your kid to play, jump, roll over, in order to lead healthier habits later in his/her life. The children need to remain active as much as possible so their mind can grow and develop. By doing exercises your kid will stay active and build up a set of habits to stay fit later in life.
Feed your baby formula
The best way to keep your baby at a healthy weight is to encourage the breast milk till you introduce the solid food. Don’t give your baby formula if you have enough milk in your breasts since breast milk has more vitamins and nutrients than formula.It could prevent the baby from eating for comfort and overeating. Though the baby might continue to snuggle after having meals, it could stop when full without turning to eat for love.
Avoid These 6 Mistakes That Are Making Your Baby Fat
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8:13:00 PM