Women Ignore Them, Doctors Often Misdiagnose It: These Are The First Two Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer

The symptoms we’re about to reveal are the earliest signs of this disease but can easily be attributed to some other medical condition because they’re quite common. This is the first mistake we do when it comes to ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer has been dubbed the silent killer for centuries and it’s no surprise when you think about it. It symptoms are s common and can often point to a completely harmless condition. The only difference is that when it comes to ovarian cancer these symptoms don’t seem to go away. Even so, women still tend to ignore these symptoms, unaware that seeing the doctor for these “little things” can actually save your life.

Monitor the following symptoms closely and look out for their duration. If you notice that they’re still not going away even after therapy and after you’ve eliminated all other possible reasons you need to see your doctor. If your symptoms last for more than 4 weeks consult your doctor and tell him what you suspect.

You’re probably already what PMS bloating looks like, or when you overeat or eat something that doesn’t sit well with you. But you must know that bloating is the first sign of ovarian cancer. It could be unnoticeable or it can be so big that some women can’t even button up their pants. One thing is certain, when it comes to ovarian cancer it’s always accompanied with bloating.

If your bloating doesn’t go away in over 2 weeks and diuretics or other medicines don’t help you should definitely see your doctor.

Important notice: You can often get misdiagnosed because bloating is most often linked to poor digestion, nutrition, flatulence, constipation and other gastrointestinal problems.
Frequent urination

If you feel like you’re urinating more than usually but you haven’t increased the water intake you may need to consult with your doctor. This could be an early sign of ovarian cancer so it’s necessary to check your urinary tract and reproductive system. It’s usually accompanied with a strong need for urination on an empty bladder.

Important notice: This symptom is usually a sign of urinary tract infection and your doctor will probably prescribe you a treatment for this condition. Follow the treatment from your doctor and if after you’re finished the symptoms persist see you gynecologist and explain your situation.

Source: www.mrhealthylife.com

Women Ignore Them, Doctors Often Misdiagnose It: These Are The First Two Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Women Ignore Them, Doctors Often Misdiagnose It: These Are The First Two Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Reviewed by Admin on 7:00:00 PM Rating: 5
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