The Effect That Cell Phones Have On Ants Will Give You Goose Bumps

The negative effects of one of our favorite devices, the smartphone, have been discussed for a long time. However, no one could imagine how harmful they can be for the animals.

Scientist from the University of Brussels have conducted a research, in order to learn something more about the negative effects of cell phones. They exposed the ants on 900 MHz frequency waves and 2W of power, which is less than the usual level of radiation smartphones emit.
Later on, they used pheromones in order to lead them to a point where some food was placed for them. They wanted to see if they were capable of getting back on the same spot, while carrying food on their backs. They managed to do so, because once they got disconnected from the waves, they rapidly recovered their energy. However, the ones that kept connected on the radiation, ended up dead.

The final conclusion was that: when the ants are under the influence of radiation from smartphones they get disoriented. Actually, they got to the conclusion that animals lose 50 % of their orientation and memory skills and, even though it’s not an irreversible condition, it shows how harmful the radiation from our mobile phones is.
The cells of our ears are also very fragile, there for, is highly recommended to avoid long conversations and excessive use of smartphones.

The Effect That Cell Phones Have On Ants Will Give You Goose Bumps The Effect That Cell Phones Have On Ants Will Give You Goose Bumps Reviewed by Admin on 2:16:00 PM Rating: 5
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