She Whitened Her Teeth Without Spending A Penny! All She Did Was Cook This Ingredient! The Results Will Amaze You!!!

At the beginning you need to know that the comprehensive oral hygiene is very important. If you do not take good care of the tooth enamel, and you do not remove the tooth tartar on time, you may develop an inflammatory disease called Periodontosis. This in fact is an infection, which through the root, reaches in your tooth, and that way it causes an inflammation of the soft tissue.

Here in this article we will show you how to remove the brown and yellow deposits on your teeth, at your home!

Tooth tartar is a common problem, and modern dentistry suggests plenty of ways for its removal. However there is a method that will perfectly solve this problem and most importantly it will save you some money.
One thing you need to remember, it is crucial that you take care of your tooth enamel and remove your tooth tartar. This way you will prevent the development of many inflammatory disease, including the Periodontosis, an inflammation that attacks the soft tissue.

Lucky for you, we have the perfect solution for you! We will give you the recipe for this natural elixir that will help you prevent this unpleasant and vicious disease!

How to remove the tooth tartar at your home:

40 gr of walnut shells
250 ml of water.


First you need to put the walnut shells in the water and cook them for about 20 minutes on medium heat. After 20 minutes remove the pan from the heat and cover it with a lid. Let it cool down and then strain it.
Then put your toothbrush in this solution and leave it in for about ten minutes. Next, using this toothbrush, clean your teeth thoroughly. Remember you need to dip the toothbrush in this solution occasionally. Repeat this procedure three times a day, maximum.

You can use the prepared amount of this mixture for two days. After two days you need to prepare a new one. The first results will be notable in only a few days.

The walnut shell is a powerful antibacterial agent, which will also help you clean your tooth enamel of all the unpleasant deposits. This procedure is useful for those who suffer from bleeding gums. The inflammation will be gone in no time.

She Whitened Her Teeth Without Spending A Penny! All She Did Was Cook This Ingredient! The Results Will Amaze You!!! She Whitened Her Teeth Without Spending A Penny! All She Did Was Cook This Ingredient! The Results Will Amaze You!!! Reviewed by Admin on 1:22:00 AM Rating: 5
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