She Rubbed Garlic On Her Foot, And Then Something Unexpected Happened…

There are huge amounts of cosmetic items available, however the principle inquiry is – what number of individuals really think about the things you put on your body?

Anna Jimenez chose to explore what was placed in the most prevalent cosmetic items, and to find what is dangerous and what is definitely not.

She sat down with the supervisor of a famous TV show, Suzanne Hall, to examine a percentage of the hurtful fixings that can be found in arrangements for cosmetics and different items for healthy skin.
Amid their discussion they found a mixture of data, yet the craziest moment touched base around 2:30 minutes, when Suzanne found that on the off chance that you rubbed garlic on your feet, a couple of seconds later you will feel it in your mouth!

Anna Jimenez couldn’t accept this, and chose to attempt it herself and check whether this is valid. She took off her shoes, and rubbed garlic on her feet…

Take a look at the video below:
She Rubbed Garlic On Her Foot, And Then Something Unexpected Happened… She Rubbed Garlic On Her Foot, And Then Something Unexpected Happened… Reviewed by Admin on 9:00:00 PM Rating: 5
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