How to Remove Water Marks and Grease Stains from Kitchen Appliances!

1. Remove buildup of deposits from your blender
Cleaning off dried sticky blended food is very hard thing to do, especially under the blades. Therefore, the best way to clean your blender is to pour a little dishwashing liquid and warm water into it, and run the machine for about 15 seconds. After that, wash it thoroughly.
2. Remove hard water stains from your electric kettle
Pour vinegar in your electric kettle to cover the bottom. Let it stand for at least 15 minutes and for heavier build-up for a couple of hours. Then rinse it with water until the vinegar smell disappears completely.

3. Clean grease from your oven
A mixture of baking soda and vinegar works wonders for every oven. All you should do is mix 80 g of baking soda and a teaspoon of vinegar, apply the mixture to the inside of the oven and leave the door open for 15 minutes. Then rinse it with water. This combination removes odors from the oven as well.

4. Remove burnt-on grease from your grill
It is best to place aluminum foil before grilling. It is easier to keep the grill clean and it will be less hassle for you later. If there is already evidence of grease deposits on the grill, first wipe it with a damp sponge, and then sprinkle some baking soda over it. The cleanup will be much easier.
5. Remove scale from your coffee maker
The easiest way to clean your coffee maker is by using a mixture of baking soda and water. After you put the mixture in the machine, let it run one cycle (as if you cook coffee) and then wash it thoroughly with water.

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