All European Newborn Babies will be Microchipped from December 2016

Have you heard the shocking news – on December 2016, through Europe newborn children will be compelled to take in a subcutaneous RFID chip.Read the full article to find out more about this.
All newborn children through Europe will be compelled to take in a subcutaneous RFID chip.Public clinics in the European Union are to be alerted. The chip would be implanted under the skin of the baby.

This chip will perform as a GPS sensor that will task with a micro- disposable battery every 2 years in state clinics. The data, collected from one or more sensors in the body, would be transmitted to cellphones or tablets where apps would give parents and pediatricians insights into the baby’s health and condition in real-time
But what many people do not realize is that this technology exists now, and has already been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in humans. Not only do these chips “silently and invisibly” store and transmit personal data, but they can also be encoded to perform a variety of other functions. According to our resources, the chip will be essential for all kids born after May 2014, but with a present confirmation date until May 2020. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.

All European Newborn Babies will be Microchipped from December 2016 All European Newborn Babies will be Microchipped from December 2016 Reviewed by Admin on 10:58:00 AM Rating: 5
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