You Want Shiny Hair That Has Strong Roots? Then You Need This

Did you know that the hair mask with ordinary yeast is pretty simple, but very effective tool that works wonders, even with the most damaged hair?
The result of the application of theis mask, not only is high quality, but also durable! Masks from yeast are good for all hair types and are essential in the fight against hair loss and for its faster growth. Using a mask from yeast you will successfully eliminate dandruff as well.
Mask of the yeast to strengthen thin and weak hair – recipe
In 1 tbsp warm milk dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey or sugar, add 20 g of fresh yeast (if using dry: 1 sachet of dry yeast 7 g are equal to 40 g of fresh yeast).
Leave in a warm place to ferment (grow) for 15-20 minutes.
Apply the resulting mixture to a clean, damp hair from roots to tips. It can be applied to unwashed hair.
Wrap it in a plastic bag and a warm towel. These mask requires warmth (towel, cap) in order to create optimal conditions for the growth of colonies of yeast fungi. With their increase, increases the concentration of protein, vitamins and minerals, which penetrate into the hair follicle.
If leaking, try another way to put less milk.
Leave on the head at least an hour, sometimes 2-3 hours, the longr the better.
After that wash with shampoo.
The smell, you’ll feel during the mask is applied, disappears after washing, when the hair is completely dry.
Note: Some people make this mask and without milk: put a piece of yeast a teaspoon of honey, and nothing more. When the yeast grows, and it happens quickly, add a teaspoon of castor or olive oil (and you can even without oil – yeast is the most important here). Keep on hair for at least an hour, sometimes 2-3 hours, the longr the better.
After these treatments, hair is healthier and more beautiful: dense, restored, shiny and full of volume!
You Want Shiny Hair That Has Strong Roots? Then You Need This
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12:16:00 PM