What To Read On The Declarations?! Here’s How To Recognize If The Meat Is Carcinogenic!

Are foods such as meat, sausages and pates feeding us or are they making us oncology patients? Since the World Health Organization announced that these foods can cause cancer, anxiety has been present in every house!

However you do not need to panic, because we are here to help you. We are bringing you a brief guide that can help you avoid the dangers, which are hidden in your favorite foods. According to many researches, foods such as sausages, hot dogs, steaks and pates can be very dangerous for your health and they can even cause cancer. Therefore you need to do your best and avoid these foods.
The first thing you need to do, before buying any of these foods, is take a magnifying glass to the store with you. This may seem like a joke to you, but believe us, you will need it, because the letters on the label are really small.

The next thing you need to remember are these helpful tips, which are given to you by Miroslav Stojsic, a doctor of veterinary medicine and a former federal veterinary inspector.

According to Dr. Miroslav it is of utmost importance is that you read the declaration. The first reason not to buy sausages, hot dogs and salamis, is if on the declaration there is a mark that says MSM. This means that the meat was separated by a machine and was even grinded along with the bones of the animal. At this point you need to know that in the animal bones are deposited all the antibiotics, hormones, heavy metals and other poisons that the animals ate throughout their lives.

The same applies when on the declaration you find emulsifying nitrites which are marked as E249, E250, E251 and E252.

These substances are harmful, because the amino acids from meat produce carcinogenic compound called nitrosamine. Also you mustn’t buy sausages, hot dogs, salamis and pates if on their declaration you note any polyphosphates, which are marked as E451, E452 and E453, because they are genotoxic. This means that these products can damage your genes.

According to some experts you need to be particularly careful not to eat any products containing E407, as it marks the carrageenan. The carrageenan sticks to the walls of the intestines, creating sores that may later turn into colon cancer.

As Dr. Miroslav says, if on the declaration of the product you find that it contains flavor enhancer called glutamate, you should know that this is a proof that there is no meat in that product.

You should also note that all of this applies to permanent and semi-permanent cured meat products. When it comes to raw meat, if you buy, for example, beef chops, you need to pay extra attention to whether the meat is streaked with veins of fat or not. If there are veins of fat, this means that these animals were not so poorly fed. If there is not an ounce of white fat and there is water leaking from the meat, this is evidence that the pigs, along with food, received growth hormone and antibiotics.
The cooking of the meat is also a very important process. Therefore, when it comes to the cooking of the meat, you should know that you mustn’t burn the meat, instead cook it long enough so that it does not stick to the pan.

It is crucial not to burn your meat, because in this burnt mass appears a compound called dioxin, which is carcinogenic. You can cook your meat in a pan, you shroud the meat in a foil and bake it in the oven, you can cook it in a Teflon pan using olive oil or you can cook it on an electric grill. If someone just loves the smell of smoke, can grill the meat on charcoal.

In doing so it is very important to ensure that you place the meat on the grid when the coal stops smoking. The most important thing, however is that the children certainly should not be given products like these, especially not pates and sausages.

Finally, if you love pates that much, with a little effort you can make them yourself!

What To Read On The Declarations?! Here’s How To Recognize If The Meat Is Carcinogenic! What To Read On The Declarations?! Here’s How To Recognize If The Meat Is Carcinogenic! Reviewed by Admin on 10:57:00 PM Rating: 5
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