Use This Ginger Compress To Reduce Your Waist Naturally !

The ginger contains lots of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Those properties are very helpful and can flush out the toxins from the body when ginger is applied topically. If by any chance you cannot find fresh ginger, ginger in powder is excellent substitute.

The heat activity of the ginger compress is useful for the stimulation of tissue circulation and can help dissolve fat that has accumulated in areas of the body.
What is compress?

Compress is cloth usually soaked in some kind of liquid and applied on your body has healing properties. To make a ginger compress first you need to fill a large pot with water to boil and then to add some fresh grated ginger, or ginger in powder. When the water reaches a boil, reduce the heat and place the grated ginger onto a square of cotton cloth or a large square of sterile gauze. Tie the ginger with a string to form a tea bag. Soak the ginger teabag in the hot water, not quite boiling, for five minutes.


Soak a cloth with the ginger water and apply to the body. Firstly cool the mixture before applying.

Ginger water should be used within two to three hours of preparation for maximum effectiveness. Prepare a fresh solution of ginger water for each treatment. Use this method two to three times per week until you achieve your desired level of fat burning. Discontinue use if side effects occur.
Add some cinnamon for additional warmth, and nice gentle massage would go with this ginger compress.

Never apply a ginger compress on a baby or very elderly person.
Never apply with a high fever present.
Never apply on the lower abdominal area of a pregnant woman.

Ginger is powerful healer, and by using this method you will manage to get rid of unwanted accumulated fats.

Use This Ginger Compress To Reduce Your Waist Naturally ! Use This Ginger Compress To Reduce Your Waist Naturally ! Reviewed by Admin on 11:09:00 PM Rating: 5
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