This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Put Of Going To The Toilet For Too Long

When you are waiting in line, or on a plane, or simply are not able to go to the toilet, you postpone going to the toilet for as long as necessary, even though you know it’s not good for you. Here in this article we will explain why these situations are so bad for you!
Not going to the toilet immediately when you need to go is not healthy at all. You will probably realize it at some point in your lives, but you will not know why. This video will explain you why.
Even though this is a bad habit, you are able to hold the urine in your bladder for a certain time. Usually you can retain a few drops, until the situation becomes urgent. Receptors on the walls of your bladder will let you know when you need to facilitate. When you are holding the urine in your bladder, your bladder remains closed from the urethra with the help of the cylindrical loop.
Urinary retention occurs if one often retains urine for a longer period of time. Because of this bad habit you will no longer be able to completely empty the bladder, because the muscles of the bladder will weaken. This is also an excellent basis for the formation of bacteria, which will probably lead to frequent infections of the bladder and the urinary tract.
In extreme situations this bad habit can even lead to bursting of the bladder. Although these cases are very rare, there have been people, which retained the urine in their bladder for a long period of time that eventually led to bursting of the bladder and sadly ended in death.
Therefore it is crucial that you share these important tips with your friends and family.
This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Put Of Going To The Toilet For Too Long
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