This Is What Happens To Your Body After Drinking 7 Up

Most soda pop contains over 70 toxic chemicals such as artificial colors, artificial and natural flavors, phosphoric acid, preservatives and more. Most of them are not required to be listed on the label, unfortunately. Did you know that Soda, no matter who makes it, is extremely acidic? It is an imbalance of acidity and alkalinity that leads to many diseases such as cancer. Studies conducted at the University of Bari in Italy clearly demonstrated that a hallmark of all tumors, regardless of their origin or background, is their acidic environment:
“This perturbation in pH dynamics rises very early in carcinogenesis and is one of the most common patho-physiological hallmarks of tumors,” the researchers say.

Most sodas, including 7 Up, have GMO ingredients like high fructose corn syrup.

Sugar and corn sugar (high fructose corn syrup). Rats fed HFCS gained 300% more fat than those being fed (even slightly more amounts of) regular sugar or sugar from fruit. It also fattens your heart with bad cholesterol, causing plaque build up, leading to hypertension, heart disease and even stroke. Liver, gallbladder and kidneys process HFCS. It is highly destructive to the liver and can cause fatty liver. Scarring of the liver diminishes its ability to process out toxins that will make you sick. HFCS is also high in Mercury levels. Exposure (in young, growing children especially) can result in irreversible brain and nervous system damage.

Other labeled ingredients in 7 Up:

Sodium benzoate is often used as a preservative. The FDA has limited the amount allowed in food and beverages. Sodium benzoate can trigger ADHD episodes, asthma attacks, and hypertension.

Sodium citrate is a form of treatment used for metabolic acidosis (dangerously elevated acidity in the blood and urine). Possible side effects of sodium citrate include, muscles spasms, elevated sodium levels in the blood and metabolic alkalosis.

Phosphoric Acid is a corrosive chemical that can be irritating and even burn the eyes, nose and throat. It is suggested to avoid skin contact and to wear protective gear (acid resistant clothing, gloves and a face shield) when handling this chemical.
Malic acid is an additive used to add tartness and to mask the aftertaste of artificial sweeteners. Malic acid has a pH level of 2.97 which is more acidic than citrus acid. It can cause dental erosion and gastric distress.

Nutrition Research Center reports what happens to our body after drinking soda:

Within the first 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar is absorbed into your system (100% more than the recommended daily intake). The phosphoric acid prevents you from throwing up due to the sodas overwhelming amount of sugar.

20 minutes: As blood sugar spikes from the HFCS, there is a burst of insulin within the body. The liver converts the sugar into fat.

45 minutes: The body releases dopamine.

60 minutes: Phosphoric acid binds with magnesium, zinc and calcium. High levels of high fructose corn syrup increases the amount of calcium passed within the urine.

This Is What Happens To Your Body After Drinking 7 Up This Is What Happens To Your Body After Drinking 7 Up Reviewed by Admin on 1:00:00 AM Rating: 5
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