Recipe For Efficient Removal Of Adipose Tissue (Lipoma) In A Natural And Easy Way!

Many people want to avoid surgery and harmful drugs for the treatment of lipoma, and fortunately there is a natural solution. With this popular recipe lipoma can be solved easily, painlessly and in a short time!

This recipe for the effectiveness is even recommended of some dermatologists. It has helped thousands of people to get rid of lipoma, and it is about – a mixture of honey and flour.
Mix equal parts of honey and flour. Apply the mixture on the lipoma. The preferred thickness of the layer is a mixture of 5 to 10 millimeters. When the paste is applied put a plaster. Leave compress for 36 hours. Then rinse and apply a new fresh mixture. Use this drug 5 times in a row or for 8 days. After this period should be noted dissolution of fatty tissue. Preferably use darker color honey and rye flour.

Why does it work? A mixture of honey and flour is an effective folk remedy for external sores and wounds.

Beside the anti-inflammatory effect it also cleanses impurities, stimulates lymph flow and circulation. In one study in 59 cases with wounds and sores that conventional treatment did not show the results of two years, treatment with honey showed a result after seven days.
Detoxification of the body is the base of a natural therapy of lipoma. It eliminates saturated fats and refined oils from the food. Mostly avoid foods with additives, preservatives and pesticides, white flour, meat, milk and dairy products. All kinds of natural spices, okra, papaya, pomegranate, sage, mandarin and turmeric can help your body in the breakdown of fats and elimination of toxins.

Recipe For Efficient Removal Of Adipose Tissue (Lipoma) In A Natural And Easy Way! Recipe For Efficient Removal Of Adipose Tissue (Lipoma) In A Natural And Easy Way! Reviewed by Admin on 9:45:00 PM Rating: 5
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