Itching and bleeding? Here’s how to heal hemorrhoids naturally!

Hemorrhoids are a common problem today for many reasons: a growing number of people have to spend more time seating, nutrition is increasingly poorer in fiber, and because of fast life people have less time for physical activity that contributes to chronic constipation.

If you have this problem, there are several natural ways that can greatly help relieve pain, unpleasant itching and bleeding.
Below you can read how some different methods work in different ways and how they help:


Grind some cloves of garlic along with coconut or olive oil. Make suppositories and freeze them before use.

Suppositories are placed in the rectum, and although this is unpleasant, however garlic helps alleviate and treat sick varicose veins.

Often change the underwear

The underwear should always be clean and cotton fabric. Change it several times a day. Always take an extra pair of underwear wherever you go, especially if your hemorrhoids bleeding.

The underwear should be made of cotton to prevent irritation that may cause itching and swelling.

Cold seating baths

Frequent washing and cold baths will decrease swelling. This is a very effective treatment for transient external hemorrhoids. Make bath water with sea salt and sit in it for 10-15 minutes.

You can even make a cold compress that you will directly apply to the anus and occasionally change. This particularly helps to reduce the swelling and discomfort of itching and pain.

The same effect you get with ice cubes.
Other tips:

-Eat Foods rich in fiber. You have to solve the problem of constipation, especially if you have the tumors appeared. Hard stools not only difficult defecation, but further exacerbates the situation.

-Drink Water. You must be hydrated in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Avoid coffee, alcohol and carbonated beverages that dehydrate you!

Before going to bed drink a teaspoon of ground nutmeg with a glass of water. This significantly helps relieve the symptoms and treatment proved effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

-Regular exercise! Although hemorrhoids are big problem, you have to be more physically active. To prevent possible friction and pain while playing some exercise, put a cold compress to the area of ​​the anus.

Also massage of the stomach (recommended empty stomach) may be very helpful!

Itching and bleeding? Here’s how to heal hemorrhoids naturally! Itching and bleeding? Here’s how to heal hemorrhoids naturally! Reviewed by Admin on 11:53:00 AM Rating: 5
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