Here’s How to Use Lemon and Garlic to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels!

A lot of people in the world suffer from this type of health condition – high levels of fat in their organism or so-called cholesterol. The most common reason for this condition is the modern and “fast life”, but it can be also cause of the genetic predispositions. The high blood cholesterol is the key problem for developing and the cause of heart diseases, which take 3 times more lives than breast cancer, and 2 times more than lung cancer. Well, the good news is that if you reduce your cholesterol levels, you will reduce the risk to human health as well.
So, here comes the main question – is it enough to change your diet or it is only possible if you use statins (cholesterol lowering drugs)? The medical experts claim that it’s possible to significantly reduce your cholesterol levels just by simple diet changes. The normal cholesterol level is between 4.60 and 6.20 mmol / L.
In this article we are going to show you how to make the most effective home drink to reduce the cholesterol in your blood. All you need is these two, extremely powerful and super healthy ingredients – lemon and garlic.
Lemon & Garlic Anti-Cholesterol Drink – RECIPE:
1 kg lemon
30 garlic cloves
1 liter of water
First, you need to cut the lemon in slices. Then, you should crush the garlic, grind it or slice is into very thin slices. Put the water in a bowl and bring it to boil. When the water starts to boil, put the sliced lemon and garlic and leave it 2-3 minutes. Remove it from heat and let the mixture cool down. When it’s cooled, get sterile gauze and strain the liquid into a clean glass bottle. After that, you can put the lemon slices in the gauze and squeeze them so you can drain the remaining liquid into the bottle.
How to use it:
You should drink 0.03 to 0.05 l (a cup of brandy) of this drink, 3 times every day, before each meal. The recipe should be enough for 10 days. Note: make sure you keep this miraculous drink in the fridge.
After 10 days you will feel wonderful and your cholesterol levels will be significantly reduced. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.
Here’s How to Use Lemon and Garlic to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels!
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12:28:00 AM